Kyle R Taylor

Tenor 1

Kyle R Taylor has been involved in the art community since 1979. Beginning in early 1980 Kyle was general manager of The Bethune Ballet in Los Angeles, CA.   He was founding member of Arpeggio Dance Co. in LA and Todd Rosenlieb Dance company and school in Virginia. In 2010, Kyle became a member of Palm Springs Gay Men’s Chorus and was one of 568 singers who performed at Carnegie Hall at the 50 year Anniversary of the Stonewall Riot in “Quiet No More”. In the fall of 2022 Kyle attended the “Bond” performance by A Cabbello. He decided at the end of the performance he was going to provide support to this amazing group of singers. In February, Kyle was asked to be a member of the board of A Cabbello and is currently developing fundraising opportunities and promotion. He is very excited to be a part of this dynamic group of singers and looks forward to upcoming performances and appearances throughout the Coachella Valley.