Van Neel
Van is an accomplished singer and musician, with a career that began during high school studying the keyboard and singing in Glee Club. At Georgia State University School of Mu-sic, he participated in various collegiate ensembles, as well as, singing with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus for eight seasons. Under the direction of Robert Shaw, he performed in many con-certs and recordings with the ASO Chorus, including the Berlioz Requiem and Faure Requiem, which won Grammy Awards. Relocating to Arlington, VA, Van sang with the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washing-ton and its small ensemble Potomac Fever for 25 years. He can be found solo on GMCW recordings, including Changing Hearts, Singing Free, and Potomac Fever: In Our Lifetime. Returning to Atlanta, he joined the acclaimed gay and lesbian ensemble Our Song and the Atlanta Gay Men’s Chorus. He holds a Bachelors in Music Education, (GSU) and a Masters in Music from the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami in Media Writing and Production. As an orchestral arranger, a sample of his work is available on live recording, And On Earth, Peace, AGMC. Currently residing in the desert, Van is thrilled to be singing with A Cabbello and Modern Men!